TECH5, an innovator in the field of biometrics and digital identity management, is recognised as an industry Catalyst – an established disruptor, innovator, and agent of acceleration – among the Biometric ID platform vendors.  

The Biometric Digital Identity Prism Report is a biometric and Digital ID market landscape framework created by the Acuity Market Intelligence market research firm and FindBiometrics. This ongoing research program provides market trends, key differentiators between digital ID providers, a market landscape reference model, as well as assessments and profiles for various vendors. 

As described in the Biometric Digital Identity Prism, headquartered in Switzerland and with a leadership team spanning Europe and the United States, TECH5 is a global concern. The company places a strong focus on R&D and engineering, and has developed solutions for contactless fingerprint capture; 1:N identification via face, fingerprint, and iris recognition; 1:1 biometric authentication; and digital ID generation and issuance. The company is a member of the Secure Identity Alliance and the OSIA Initiative, and has been an instrumental technology vendor in large-scale projects, including a remote voter verification program in Oman and a pioneering digital ID initiative in Ethiopia. TECH5 extended its presence in the North American market through its acquisition of the assets of biometrics specialist Imageware Systems in early 2023. Recently, the firm received a patent for contactless mobile fingerprint technology.  

TECH5 is a Biometric ID Platform Catalyst thanks to its formidable portfolio of proprietary high-performance biometric solutions. Its innovations consistently strive to deliver on the inclusivity promise of biometric digital identity, building technologies for people in developing countries—introducing new methods of biometric portability, like its 2D Digital Storage for Biometrically Verifiable Digital ID. That inclusive paradigm, combined with 20 years of expertise and a track record of innovation, make TECH5 an important player in the Biometric Digital Identity Prism. 

In accordance with the survey, enhancing customer service, reducing fraud, and creating operational efficiency are the three most important factors for adoption of new digital technologies. The T5-Digital ID offering serves all these needs, providing biometric binding of an identity to its holder, and giving users full control over their Digital IDs.  

“TECH5 introduced its Digital ID to the market in 2020, when a need for fully digital ID biometric-based solutions was dictated by the COVID-19 Pandemic and such technologies were new to the industry.” – Says TECH5’s Strategy Advisor Rob Haslam. “Since then, the company implemented its digital ID technologies, serving all steps of the identity lifecycle, in several National-scale projects globally, and power various use cases – from elections to student IDs and permits.” 

Learn more about the Biometric Digital Identity Prism and download the full report here and read about TECH5 on page 31 of the report.  


Media Contact: Yulia Thomas, CMO, TECH5 Group  
[email protected]