T5-Face, Fast and Accurate for Even Large Databases
The high-speed and extremely accurate TECH5 face recognition technology has proven its efficiency in real-world projects that work with national databases consisting of hundreds of millions of faces and capable of processing millions of operations in real-time.
Our face recognition technology is based on convolutional neural networks (CNN) with the most up to date architecture and progressive methods of training that permit the highest accuracy for both identification (1:N match) and verification (1:1 match).
Our face recognition technology has been trained on diverse databases, and as such, the algorithm remains invariant across different nations, ages and genders, showing high accuracy not only for Asians, Europeans and Africans, but also for different nations within these continents.
T5-Face technology is highly accurate (99,98%) and ranked in the TOP-tier of most accurate face recognition algorithms in the world (Facial FRVT, 2020). The superb accuracy of T5-Face technology is ensured by a combination of convolutional neural networks that utilize the most up to date architecture and progressive methods of training.
T5-Face Mobile
T5-Face Mobile is a combination of highly accurate face detection, capturing and recognition functions supported by liveness detection technology for fast and secure Digital Onboarding and verification by face within seconds, just by using an app and camera on a mobile device.
How it works:
1. A person captures his/her face image with a standard camera of a mobile device and onboard mobile app;
2. Face image is detected, captured, quality checked and converted into template(s) after passing a liveness check: liveness detection technology is integrated with the mobile app and protects against spooking attacks;
3. Once the face image has passed the liveness check, the converted template is (optionally) sent to a server for a deduplication check and enrolment (digital onboarding) or used locally on the device in a verification check against a reference template stored on the mobile device if the person was already enrolled (offline authentication).
The entire process is highly intuitive and takes only a few seconds.
Technology Advantages

Our high-speed processing saves you money on buying hardware. We process up to 150 images in real time using one GPU and search against a database of 100M images in 1 second with a single CPU.

Protect your data from misuse or tampering. All biometric data is transferred as encrypted templates, which are irreversible and can be used on Android or iOS.

No risk of getting locked into expensive or specialized hardware and software. You can run TECH5 face recognition on high-speed GPU, standard CPU and mobile ARM platforms. Choose between Linux, Windows, Android or iOS.

Subjects in any position can be recognized, despite angles and turns, facial expressions, glasses, occlusions or even gender transformations. The image can be obtained from any source including, but not limited to, an ID photo, selfie, CCTV feed or social network image.
Contact Us
Contact us to learn more about TECH5, our products and technologies.